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Bot Set Up

Receiving First Tips

Steps to take

  1. Once you’ve clicked the chosen bot link, select the /start option provided and read the welcome message.
  2. Select /terms to view and accept the terms and conditions. You won’t be able to interact further with the bot if they’re not accepted after a week.
  3. Select /join which will activate the bot for receiving tips from your chosen tipster.
  4. If there are no current spaces on the bot select /waiting list and you’ll be invited to join the bot properly when spaces are available. You’ll have 24 hours to accept the invite from the waiting list to guarantee your space

Joining Groups

Steps to take

  1. Type out /groups to get list of groups on a Bet Bot
  2. Simply click the thumbs up to join a group or the red X to leave the group
  3. Acts as a toggle so you can very quickly join and leave groups at a moments notice.

Setting Active Times

Steps to take

  1. Type out /help or select the menu (from bottom left of screen)
  2. Select /activetimes to set your active times
  3. Simply type the times you’d like to be active on the bot in 24 hour format, such as 08:00-21:00 to receive tips from 8am to 9pm (UTC).
  4. You can repeat this however many times you want to change your active times depending on life situation.
  5. To remove active times select /activetimes and type ‘remove‘ into the box and you should get a notification confirming your active times have been taken away.